May 27, 2014 | Rays Manager | 830 views
First W for 2014
Rays are now 1-1 for the season after a stellar victory over the Astros last night at Labbat Park. The final was 12-4.
After giving up a 4 run top of the third inning the boys stormed back
with back to back 3 run innings to take and secure the lead until a
monstrous 6 run bottom of the sixth. The pitching and catching staff did a wonderful job and the Rays put up 12 great hits in the game.
In other league action...........and you may want to sit down for these....I'm not kidding. A's 9 Jays 3 Cubs 4 Red Sox 3 Giants 4 Werewolves 2 Aquarium 6 Longhorns 4 There is a log jam in the standings for the LMBL after week two and it appears that several teams have improved with acquisitions in the off season. Week 3 will have the Rays playing a much improved Giants team at Labbat Park June 1st at 8:15pm. Dress code for the RAYS will be the baby blue jerseys ( coach Brad will bring them) and white pants. Come out and cheer on the Rays on Sunday June 1st. Have a great week everyone.
Coach BRAD
Go RAYS!!!!